

Prof. Ma Jie, Dean

Responsibility: General administration

Office: Room 507, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619719

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Qu Yuanli, Party Secretary

Responsibility: Overall affairs of the CPC Committee of the school

Office: Room 506, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619707

E-mail: [email protected]



Prof. Liu Lihui, Deputy Party Secretary and Deputy Dean

Responsibility: Student affairs of undergraduates and postgraduates, discipline inspection of the CPC Committee of the school, and affairs of Women’s Committee of         the school 

Office: Room 505, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619725

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. GuanQingxiang,DeputyDean

Responsibility:undergraduateeducation,affairs of theexam for self-taught studentsandfor continuingeducation

Office: Room 505, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619725

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Cao Xia, Deputy Dean

Responsibility: Discipline development and talent recruitment

Office:Room507, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619299

E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Wang Yi, Deputy Dean

Responsibility: Postgraduate training and international exchange and cooperation

Office:Room507, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619299.

Email: [email protected]

Prof. ZhangHao,DeputyDean

Responsibility: Assist the Dean in administrative affairs (personnel, finance, logistics, assets, security, etc.), labor union, laboratories, alumni, postdoctoral affairs and            assist  the Party Secretary  in theoretical and political work of the school

Office: Room 506,School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tel: 0431-85619661

Email: [email protected]

Copyright: School of Pharmacy